Echoes of Narcissus: A Relational View of the Myth and its Relevance Today

The ancient Greek myth of Narcissus has captivated audiences for centuries. In this episode, I and Dr Maria Kempinska will explore the classic tale of the beautiful youth who falls in love with his own reflection as well as modern psychoanalytic interpretations of this story. Looking through the lens of Classical and Relational psychoanalytic theories, we'll analyse what the myth reveals about narcissism, self-absorption, relationships, and the human psyche.

Relational psychoanalysis focuses on the intersubjective aspects of narcissism—how one's sense of self is constructed through interactions with others. The character of Echo in the myth highlights this interconnectedness. Despite being cursed to only repeat others, Echo attempts connection with Narcissus. However, he remains trapped in a feedback loop of self-love. What does this say about the dangers of disconnecting from empathetic engagement? How can relational insights help address narcissistic traits?

Additionally, we'll explore how various contemporary psychoanalytic conceptualisations map onto this myth and its representations of ego formation and identification with an idealized image. What happens when, like Narcissus, someone becomes stuck in this phase? How is this relevant in today's culture of Instagram filters, selfies, online dating, and constructing public personas? What wisdom does this ancient story offer for finding balance in life? How can we avoid becoming a society of individuals obsessed with superficial appearances and self-absorption?

By analyzing this classic myth through psychoanalytic lenses, we can illuminate patterns in our psyche, relationships and culture while exploring thought-provoking questions about self-knowledge, empathy and what it means to live a purposeful life. The timeless and tragic tale of Narcissus continues to hold up a mirror that reflects back insightful truths about ourselves.

Here is a link to the YouTube conversation: (126) MYTHOLOGY PSYCHOLOGY OF THE DEEPER PSYCHE - YouTube


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